Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer Solutions: Protecting Your Skin with Clothing

The sun is out, the temperatures are broiling and the kids are out of school. It’s officially summertime! As in most of my posts, I’m always reminding you to apply sunscreen even if it’s cloudy, cold or even if you’ll only be in the sun for a few minutes. Always use an SPF of at least 30 and apply it liberally. The rule of thumb is 1 ounce of sunscreen per extremity. Of course, there are other measures you can take, as well, like using an umbrella or wearing sunglasses, a big hat and protective clothing. In this post, we’ll discuss the differences between SPF and UPF, what to look for in protective clothing and some sites you can check out for various and fashionable sun-protective clothing and accessories.

SPF vs. UPF?
SPF stands for sun protection factor. SPF blocks the sun’s UVB rays, which is what causes sunburn. Unfortunately, SPF does little to prevent damage from the sun’s UVA rays. This is where UPF comes in.

UPF stands for ultraviolet protection factor. UPF is a measure of how much UVB and UVA radiation the fabric can absorb. So like SPF, the higher UPF rating an item has, the more UV radiation it blocks. In this case, UPF is a huge help because it blocks both types of radiation, and you don’t have to worry about reapplying it because it's clothing, whereas you would (every two hours) with sunscreen.

What To Look For
It makes sense that dark, thick fabrics protect more than lightweight, thin fabrics. Dark denim is estimated to have a UPF of 1,700, while a white cotton shirt carries roughly a 7 UPF. It’s like playing hide-and-seek with the sun and choosing to hide behind a white, sheer curtain or thick, dark-colored drapes.

Also, you should be aware that getting your clothing wet, especially lighter fabrics, will reduce the clothing’s UPF. No worries though; there are developments that will help with this.

Sun Guard is a product that you add to your wash that will make the clothing in that load 30 UPF and last for up to 20 washings. Rather than purchasing all new UPF clothing, you can make your current items more protective.

In addition, thanks to technological advances, there are lines of clothing that are designed to provide UPF through pre-treatments, special fabrics and designs.

Where To Go
Here is a list of some of the websites and clothing lines where you can find summer-friendly clothing, umbrellas and accessories for the whole family:
  1. Columbia's Omni-Shade Line
  2. Patagonia's UPF Products
  3. SPFAddict
  4. Mott 50
  5. Parasol
  6. Coolibar
  7. Sun Precautions
  8. Sunday Afternoons
  9. Sun Grubbies
  10. Solartex

Do you have any lingering questions about UPF or other ways to protect yourself while you’re out in the sun this summer? Leave them in the comments below, and I’ll try to help you out!

1 comment:

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