Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Skin Through The Ages: The Teenage Years

'Sitting a-top ruins' photo (c) 2007, CitySkylineSouvenir - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/
This post is the first in a series called “Skin Through the Ages.” The series will focus on how to take care of and manage skin at various points in life. This post addresses the teenage years. 

Do me a favor. Take a minute and close out the chats, games and other apps you have running. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let me get to the point quickly. You’re going to get old one day. Yeah, I know, it’ll happen a million years from now, but one day in the not-so-distant future, you’ll look in the mirror and ask, “What are those lines? Where did I get this spot on my face? I AM getting old!” Then you’ll wonder why you didn’t listen to that blog post you came across when you were still young and had great skin. So consider yourself lucky and listen to these skin care tips that will have your friends in the future seriously jealous of your youthful complexion.

What am I?
You can’t take care of your skin if you don’t know what type of skin you have. The five basic skin types are dry, normal, oily, combination and sensitive. The names describe each skin type exactly as they sound. If you’re still unsure, you can have your skin analyzed at a skin care counter in the mall or make an appointment with a dermatologist or other skin care professional.

Do it to it.
Now that you know your skin care type, it’s time to take care of it twice a day. Wash and moisturize your skin every morning and every night. Use spot treatments as needed for your acne, scars or other problems. Most importantly, use products meant for teenage skin. The stuff your grandma uses is probably not right for you now.

Too slick?
You may think your skin is already soft enough or too oily for lotion, but that isn’t true. After washing, your skin needs moisture. If you don’t use a proper product, your skin will likely over-compensate, producing its own oil to get back to its natural state. This can cause your face to be even more oily and at risk for acne. Use the right moisturizer for your skin type, including an oil-free lotion and one with sunscreen.

Take it off!
Hold on a second, we’re talking about your makeup. Yes, morning-after makeup looks good on TV and in the movies, but it will look quite the opposite in real life. Leftover makeup can suffocate your skin overnight and make your eyes feel gritty and irritated in the morning. Even if you’re too exhausted to do your whole skin care routine, AT LEAST take off your makeup.

Hands off!
Yeah, I know, we’re really bossy when it comes to your skin, but keep your hands off of your face! Unless you just washed your hands, wherever they’ve been is going to wind up on your FACE! Pretty gross, right?  Avoid touching your face unnecessarily.

Hands off! (Part deux)
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, don’t pick at your pimples! Although your face is nice, it isn’t magic. You know how when you scrape your knee or arm and get a scar? The same will happen to your face. That’s not cute.

You aren’t a baker…
So don’t cook your skin! Yes, that nice golden glow looks really good, but you should think twice unless you want to look like this. If you must have the tan-like glow, use a bronzer or self-tanner, but leave the frying in the kitchen.

So off you go, and if for some reason your skin confuses you, leave me a comment below and I’ll help you work it out! You can also schedule an appointment with Advanced Dermatology by clicking here.

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