Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Busting Acne Myths

'Eminem interlude.' photo (c) 2008, Caitlin Regan - license:

Don’t eat chocolate. Wash your face three times a day. Don’t wear makeup. You’ll grow out of it.

We’ve all heard the countless pieces of advice offered by our grandmothers for treating and avoiding acne breakouts in our teens. Unfortunately, most of these wise words are just myths that have been repeated so often they’re disguised as truth!

In this blog post, I’ll address and debunk some of the most common myths and replace them with truths about how to manage or avoid breakouts.

Myth #1: Chocolate and other junk foods cause acne.

If you’re a chocoholic, cutting back on the sweets or greasy foods can only help your overall health. But if you’re hoping it will clear up your acne, you’ll find yourself craving a piece of candy and still dealing with those pimples.

Although this is one of the longest-running acne myths, no one is really sure where it started. Rest assured, though, that study after study has failed to find a connection between diet and acne.

Myth #2: You’ll grow out of it. Acne is a teenage thing.

Not to burst your bubble, but someone who is prone to acne will, most likely, always be prone to acne. Although acne tends to be worse in teenagers with ever-changing hormone levels, it won’t just go away completely without proper treatment.

Acne is caused by clogged pores, and is often the result of naturally oily skin. That’s why many of the acne medications out there work by drying out the skin to help reduce the breakouts. If your skin is oily, you’ll probably always deal with some form of acne.

But remember that it doesn’t have to be that way! There are lots of treatments out there – both over-the-counter and prescription medications – that can help quell those breakouts and get your acne under control.

Myth #3: “Popping” a pimple makes it go away.

Sorry, pimple popping posse. Despite what your mother may have told you, popping a pimple is not good! While it might make it a little smaller or less noticeable temporarily, popping a pimple actually causes it to be around longer. It forces the bacteria deeper into the skin, resulting in a return (with a vengeance) later or, worse, a scar when you get older.

While it may be tempting to go for the temporary relief before a big event, avoid the temptation by considering that broken skin is more difficult to cover up than any pimple. If you’re looking for a quick fix, try a benzoyl peroxide-based wash, cream or other drying agent to help take away the oil – the cause of the pimple.

Myth #4: Wash your face several times a day – good hygiene prevents acne!

Oops, wrong again. While washing your face is necessary and helpful to clear up or prevent acne, washing it too much can actually aggravate the problem. I always recommend washing twice a day with a mild, non-irritating wash. Make sure to gently rub, not scrub, your skin.

Washing your face will remove dirt, excess oil and dead skin cells. However, washing too much or using an irritating agent can dry out the skin and cause it to produce more oil to get back to its natural state. Kind of negates all that washing, don’t you think?

Myth #5: Sun exposure or getting a tan will help clear up a breakout.

Absolutely not! As I’ll say to anyone who will listen – too much sun exposure is never a good idea for healthy skin. Yes, some exposure is necessary for Vitamin D, but any change in skin color is a sign that some damage has occurred. No matter what, never visit a tanning bed, and never expose your skin to the sun without wearing sunscreen of at least 30 SPF.

Although technically not a myth – UV light does kill the p.acnes bacteria and can decrease breakouts, the risk is not worth the minor benefit. Aside from UV light, other reasons for this rumor likely resulted from the temporary skin dryness associated with sun exposure, as well as redness or darker skin that may make pimples less noticeable. These effects are not long-lasting, nor are they a cure for acne. In fact, the risk for melanoma and other skin cancers essentially counteracts any “benefit” you may see to your acne.

Did I miss any common myths you’ve encountered? Leave them in the comments, and I’ll address them!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Eat food. Get great skin. (Sort of.)

Some rights reserved by richard_north

We all love to eat. And we all have probably been told (by our grandmothers, no doubt) that eating the wrong foods can wreak havoc on our skin. I’m here to tell you that a lot of those rumors are just that – rumors. In this blog post, I’ll tell you all about the real super foods…and debunk some myths along the way.

For Anti-Aging

Vitamin C
A 2007 study released by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that higher intakes of vitamin C and linoleic acid and lower intakes of fats and carbohydrates were associated with better skin-aging appearance. In simpler words: More vitamin C means fewer wrinkles, less dryness and a reduced risk for skin atrophy.

Sweet Potatoes
Wrinkles are, unfortunately, an unavoidable sign of aging. What you can help control is how quickly the aging process takes place. Try eating sweet potatoes — these orange spuds are filled with vitamin C that helps with the production of collagen, which helps smooth out wrinkles and prevent new ones.

If you’re not a fan of sweet potatoes, try adding flaxseeds to your diet. Flaxseeds fight wrinkles because of their payload of omega-3 fatty acids. These super seeds go great on top of your favorite yogurt and salads. You can also try blending them into your favorite smoothie!

Almonds or Avocados
If taste is your goal, add some almonds or avocados to your diet. These super foods are packed with vitamin E, which helps fight sun damage.

Although dietitians do not always recommend canned foods, canned tuna is what I would consider an exception. That’s right, canned tuna contains skin-tightening selenium that preserves elastin, a powerful protein that helps your skin maintain its elasticity – and fight wrinkles.

For Anti-Aging and Lowering Your Risk of Skin Cancer: Vegetables. All of them.

Being told to “eat your vegetables” doesn’t seem as ridiculous as an adult — especially if you want healthy skin! Oranges, limes, kale, asparagus, spinach and grapefruits are rich sources of vitamin C – which, of course, is Super Food No. 1 for anti-aging.

Veggies can prevent skin cancer too! Spinach is particularly important for skin health because of its ability to fight various skin cancers, and carrots are filled with vitamin A, which reduces the risk of developing skin cancer cells. A bonus for carrots: They’re great blemish blasters for those with minor breakouts.

For Anti-Aging and Antioxidants: Green Tea

Green tea has become very popular in the last several years, as the media has reported on a variety of studies extolling its value. Are you drinking it yet? You should be. If all of those studies weren’t enough to convince you, here is one more: Green tea has always been known for its antioxidants and anti-cancer properties, but a recent study has found that drinking two to six cups a day will not only help prevent skin cancer, but can help reverse the effects of sun damage. Remember to drink this mighty tea when it’s hot – the antioxidants degrade as it cools.

For Dry Skin: Safflower Oil

As important as it is for our skin to actually be healthy, most of strive for it to look healthy as well. Try safflower oil. It’s packed with omega-6 fatty acids that act as a natural moisturizer, and can be beneficial for people suffering from dry, flaky or itchy skin. Some studies have 

found that this oil may even help with eczema.

Did I miss anything you want to ask about? Leave your questions in the comments and I'll answer them there.